Now the dailies have their own page.

I will occasionally publish scenes from the book(s) I presently work on.

These scenes are in a late editing stage and will only appear here for a day or two until the next scene gets some airing. Comments are welcome.

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John (Business Team) looked thoughtful. ‘We need to be careful. We have to find every flaw in our business models and deal with it. The moment we get smug about our businesses is the moment we lose.’
Kojo (South Africa) nodded and smiled. ‘And we can stay safe by mimicking nature. Nature works best when an ecosystem has a fitting level of biodiversity. We translate this to working with millions of dwarf enterprises, like we do at dot., with providing the framework and the guardianship to make sure that every dwarf, designers, suppliers and workshops, has everything they need. And at this point, we can deviate from nature. While nature needs the hunter and the hunted, the fruits and those who eat the fruits, humans don’t. We don’t need to cut each other down, we don’t need to compete or kill. We have, by now, the tools to figure out how to create balances without killing each other, without competing, fighting, or outsmarting. All we need is to think it through, to make the calculations, to use simulations, to find the ideal sizes for businesses and production. Not for the maximum profit but for the maximum benefit.’
‘And we will reach a maximum benefit,’ Rafael (Brazil) said, ‘once we accept that the planet is our home and that the other humans are our fellow humans, that empowerment beats competition every day, that we can shape our world in a way that heals our societies and reconnects us to each other and to the environment. And that will allow us to restore our planet. A restored planet is the basis for unrivalled prosperity.

© Charlie Alice Raya, book 3/1, shaping, arrivals & shaping

Sometimes I edit online. Why?
I can’t quite explain it, but editing online gives me a different perspective and grip on the scene. I also feel more alert because you might be reading this while I am editing. And even though this is imagined, it helps me.