You can find a short list of all websites at the end of this page >


For me it’s all about clarity. Until autumn 2022, I had a single website and clarity was not its strength. The additional websites allowed me to give selected ideas room to breathe, and they give visitors a chance to focus on one subject, on one project or on my photographic work.

At the time, all my projects had an obvious connection to my main work: the easy town books. Then my body went on strike and finally got my attention. 2023/24 has been a lot about recovery. As I return from this period, new projects have taken their first steps. These projects still have some overlaps with my main work but they are independent.

That’s where this new Charlie Alice Raya website comes in. It provides an overview of all my works and gives short introductions of all books, project ideas, and how everything is connected, after all.

This will also be the place for all the latest news & events, for all available books, and maybe most importantly the place for my offers, challenges and invitations.

Charlie Alice Raya website icon

last updated: 13 September 2024

Overview of the easy town books, background information, purchase of easy town books, news & events regarding the easy town books

The easy town story is my playground where I develop and test ideas regarding town planning, architecture, landscape architecture, ecology & agriculture, health & care, business models, business ideas, business practices and economics, arts & crafts, society & admin, community life, sexuality, research & education, digital platforms, software and simulations.

Some of those ideas are presented and further explored on their own website.

of easy town business ideas & prospective business projects

Status: This website gets a complete makeover and will solely focus on business ideas, business models and business practises once it is completed. Some new content is already online and a good deal more is queued up and will be added in the upcoming weeks and months.

This is one of my favourite pages with ideas for towns with a purpose and a long list of amazing garden ideas.

At a time when so many talk about housing as if all that is needed was a spot to stow away humans, it’s worth it to press pause and rethink how we build and live, and why, what for and for whom we build.

The ideas on this website can inspire and help us to build and create for the human and for communities. I’m happy to talk about these ideas and to lend my mind to those who put community and the environment first.

Status: not updated, yet

The Hub is an idea for a new internet which is rooted in all corners of the planets, has real Hubs, benefits the communities, and has found a way to keep bullshit out. And that’s just a small part of what the Hub can become.

Status: not updated, yet

dot. is the idea for a clothing company (fashionable but not fashion) for which I developed a business model which empowers creators, producers and customers. Like all my projects, the company should be rooted in all corners of the planet.

Status: not updated, yet

I just realise that all my business ideas are favourites, too, and not least the book stations and with it pepper books publishing and the bespoke books network. All of these ideas work with variations of the model.

Status: not updated, yet

I measure business success by the amount of people who can benefit from an idea and by the amount of people who were able to unearth their potentials because of this or that business, and by the extend of recovery of the natural world this or that business can contribute.

All my business ideas measure success in terms of human empowerment and the planet’s recovery.

One of the aims of my work is to find the roots of the mess we as humanity find ourselves in. One of those roots seems to be our restrained views on sex and gender, and our inexplicable excuses for violence and dominance which don’t even serve us.

While I consider this a very important subject, which is discussed in some detail in book 2, travelling (easy town books) and found its way into the new book The end of all wars, I have to pause my work on this website until funds and a team make it possible to contribute more proactively to this subject again.

Status: updated on 30 August 2024, tweaks on 13 September 2024

The universe is a collection I started in 2022 as an outlet for my anger about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I invented a universe full of peopled planets. The people of these planets are aware of planet Earth but have so far kept their distance since Earth people make so many mistakes that they are quite a good study object.

However, by now, the universe’s alliance is seriously worried about planet Earth and has decided to share some of their stories and insights with Earthlings in the hope that the Earthlings take some courage from those testimonies.

This is the website for the overall collection. Presently there is little content online but more will come in the next weeks and months. One recommendable contribution is already online: comments on artificial intelligent, preluded by a few thoughts on the human brain.

Status: basics are online now, more content will follow

The end of all wars is a collection within the collection Views from around the universe. This collection consists mostly of testimonies from how this or that planet ended all wars. The testimony of planet one, the roots of war, will be published this September. Ideas for more than thirty other testimonies are published on this website, too, along with collections of statements on subjects like: human, the, strongman, the, and war. Soon there will be more background information and some ideas where this project can go and how it can contribute to the end of all wars.

Status: a lot of content is online by now, some more will folllow

This is the most personal of all my projects. I am very lucky to be happily breastless after a double mastectomy due to cancer. Having seen, how much cancer and the loss of one or both breasts can affect people, I want to share my story to give a glimpse of hope.

Presently, this website is under construction, but I hope that I can interest others to contribute and that it will be possible to gain the funds to offer support on a permanent basis.

Status: still pretty empty, but with a first peek at the breastless story

Once I could move a little better and I had a new phone, I experimented quite a bit with phone photography (sounds strange). I will share some of those photos on breastless and maybe on the website.

However, the big photography website serves one purpose: to support the easy town projects and the new universe and breastless projects financially via the sales of Fine Art Prints. So, if you want to support any or all of the projects, getting a print is one way to do so.

Status: updates completed on 12 September 2024

There are two publishers I would like to initiate to set up: ripples publishing, which focuses on my work and on related work. For example, another author might want to invent a planet which overcame all wars. That would be a candidate for ripples publishing.

The second publisher: pepper books would aim at connecting writers from around the world with readers from around the world with a preference for original stories and stories which contribute to shaping life on planet Earth.

Status: basics are online