small budget offers
for the easy town books & The end of all wars
The offers on this page are for everyone who has less than €120 a month to spend on treats.
If you are a person who has more money, and who thinks it’s clever to buy the books at this special price, then, please, allow me to caution you: there is a good chance that you won’t like the stories.
If you are a person for whom the prices on this page are too high, send an email to Not having resources is not a problem here. I will delete your email contact once I’ve sent the book(s).
You might wonder why I don’t offer single books at reduced prices. I do this to circumvent a German law.
According to German law all book prices are fixed for the German and the Austrian market. Generally, I agree with this law and want to abide by it.
However, I know a thing or two about not having a budget, and I’d like to make my work accessible to everyone. That’s why I bundled the books, creating a new product. Once I get told off for it, I will fight your corner. This offer is not about outbidding competition. This is about making books accessible.

Small budget offer
book 1, beginning
& book 2, travelling
book 1, beginning, pdf
book 2, travelling, pdf
2 files
Price: €12.12 (incl. VAT)

book 3, shaping
& dot.story
- book 3/1, shaping, pdf
- vouchers for book 3/2 & 3/3
- dot.story, Edinburgh, Tunis and the world, pdf
- dot.tour, an introduction into the model for the fashion & clothing industry
4 files
Price: €7.77 (incl. VAT)
This offer is for everyone who has less than €120 a month for treats.
If you are a person, who has more money, and who thinks it’s clever to buy the books at this special price, then, please, allow me to caution you: there is a good chance that you won’t like the stories.

Small budget offer
The end of all wars
& dot.story
- The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war, pdf
- dot.story, Edinburgh, Tunis and the world, pdf
- dot.tour, an introduction into the model for the fashion & clothing industry
3 files
Price: €7.77 (incl. VAT)