
Views from around the universe
As you have already guessed, the universe is full of inhabited planets. And as planet Earth seems to be on a terrible downward trend, the alliance of the universe’s planets decided to share some insights and testimonies with Earth.
View from around the universe is the main collection and already offers quite a bit on its website: Views from around the universe >
Among the highlights on this project’s website are:
Make it happen stories – an initiative to write stories where people come together and make change happen
Views on stories, towns, sex, artificial intelligence and the brain
Testimonies from planets from the universe, published on the website and more introduced with short storylines.
Oh, and you don’t want to miss the light dance photos.

The end of all wars
The end of all wars was a story I began to write as part of my recovery process. The reasoning was simple. When I overwork, I vanish in a story and hardly take care of myself. If I switch between stories, then no story can take a full hold on me. So far, this works for me, even though it is sometimes annoying to put down one story and to dig into another again. But sometimes it’s good. I remember that I wanted to do another final read of The end of all wars, and I realised that I was overstretching, that the story (and me) needed a break. But here is the good thing, I knew I would know when to pick it up again and since it was nearly finished and I was very excited about it, it was like the meeting of old friends, I had been looking forward to.
By now, this The end of all wars is published and its website has quite a bit of input about where this project is headed.
Among the highlights on this project’s website are:
The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war, now available as pdf e-book, compatible with all devices. You can buy the book on this website or on the book’s website.
More stories of planets whose people ended all wars, including the highlights: The big clean-up, We need trust and Resolve
Even more planets introduced with their storylines.
Visions for this project – flood the world with stories of how to end all wars and more
Views on the human, leader, strongman, war, communication, freedom, consequences, future
Oh, and you don’t want to miss the clouds photo special.